Donate a prize for our Farm Business Awards.


As well as nominating someone for the various award categories, there are other ways you can help us make it a night to remember - and, at the same time, raise substantial funds for the Addington Fund that we will use to help farmers in need in the future.

Donate a prize


Auction prizes (various)

Auctioneer at the awards ceremony

An attractive option for any company is to provide prizes for our auction. We find that experience days, short breaks or something that people can’t usually buy gets the best results. In return for donating a prize, we offer:

  • Coverage throughout the evening

  • Coverage in the programme

  • Coverage throughout the auction itself by our prestigious local auctioneer

  • Your logo displayed in the ‘rolling logos’ presentation throughout the evening

  • Acknowledgement on the Farm Business Awards website

  • A mention in the awards programme/order of events

  • Your company mentioned on our social media (optional)

Raffle prizes (various)

A big screen acknowledging donors at the awards

As well as our ever-popular auction, we run a raffle on the night. But naturally we need prizes for this to be a success. In return for your generosity, you will receive:

  • A labelled acknowledgement on the prize table

  • A mention in the awards programme/order of events


If you are willing to donate a prize, call 01926 620135 (option three) or email us at the Addington Fund today.

Don’t forget to buy your tickets!

“Whatever you can give, can make a big difference to our farming community.”